
Coma Cose annunciano il TOUR ESTIVO dopo il tutto SOLD OUT del club tour invernale!

Coma Cose announce the SUMMER TOUR after the wi...

After announcing the SOLD OUT of the entire 2023 club tour two weeks before the start of the live shows, Coma Cose announce the calendar of the first summer dates....

Coma Cose announce the SUMMER TOUR after the wi...

After announcing the SOLD OUT of the entire 2023 club tour two weeks before the start of the live shows, Coma Cose announce the calendar of the first summer dates....

INCLUSIVE MUSIC: un nuovo drop firmato Asian Fake

INCLUSIVE MUSIC: a new drop signed Asian Fake

Inclusive Music has been our motto since day zero, but from today it is also a new FRESH drop by Asian Fake: two limited edition TEEs, silk-screen printed on certified...

INCLUSIVE MUSIC: a new drop signed Asian Fake

Inclusive Music has been our motto since day zero, but from today it is also a new FRESH drop by Asian Fake: two limited edition TEEs, silk-screen printed on certified...

Coma Cose vincono il premio Bardotti per il miglior testo a Sanremo 2023

Coma Cose win the Bardotti award for best text ...

During the final evening of Sanremo 2023, Coma Cose received the Bardotti award for the best lyric with the song "L'ADDIO", delivered on the Ariston stage.

Coma Cose win the Bardotti award for best text ...

During the final evening of Sanremo 2023, Coma Cose received the Bardotti award for the best lyric with the song "L'ADDIO", delivered on the Ariston stage.

Dieci regali per chi ama la musica

Ten gifts for those who love music

Christmas is approaching, and like every year it is a time for gifts. If you are a music lover, take a look here: we have prepared a selection of TEN...

Ten gifts for those who love music

Christmas is approaching, and like every year it is a time for gifts. If you are a music lover, take a look here: we have prepared a selection of TEN...

COMA COSE sul palco di Sanremo 2023 con il brano "L'Addio"

COMA COSE on the Sanremo 2023 stage with the so...

Coma Cose will be competing among the 22 big names of Sanremo 2023, "L'Addio" is the title of the song they will bring to the Ariston stage. While you wait,...

COMA COSE on the Sanremo 2023 stage with the so...

Coma Cose will be competing among the 22 big names of Sanremo 2023, "L'Addio" is the title of the song they will bring to the Ariston stage. While you wait,...

Come prenderti cura dei tuoi vinili

How to take care of your vinyl records

It doesn't matter how carefully you keep your records: sooner or later they all get dirty, accumulating dust and small impurities, risking being irreparably ruined. But if you are a...

How to take care of your vinyl records

It doesn't matter how carefully you keep your records: sooner or later they all get dirty, accumulating dust and small impurities, risking being irreparably ruined. But if you are a...