Sxrrxwland annunciano il loro primo disco: Anima Macchina uscirà il 31 maggio 2024

Sxrrxwland announce their first album: Anima Macchina will be released on May 31, 2024

After years of silence, at the end of March 2024 Sxrrxwland announced a special live performance on the occasion of the MI AMI Festival , predicting a return to the scene, and finally today the announcement long awaited by fans arrived: Anima Macchina is their new album and it will be released on May 31st, on all platforms and in three different physical formats : CD, black vinyl and a special deluxe edition with hot-numbered embossed box, colored marbled vinyl and sleeve autographed by the artists.

“Anima Macchina” is Sxrrxwland's first album but also the third volume of a trilogy that began with “Buone Maniere per Giovani Predatori” (2018) and continued with “OSSO” (2019).

If the first two EPs represented flesh and bones, “Anima Macchina” is the breath that gives life to the creature of Osore, Vipra and Tremila: a being halfway between human, divinity and android, the result of the influences different and complementary that animate the three artists of the collective. The hybrid and original sound of the album, once again ahead of Italian trends, presents a breakcore evolution of the cold and dark atmospheres that have always been the trademark of Sxrrxwland, who say: "If the present always brings us more far from what we have been, transforming our identities into data and our actions into mechanical interactions, it is worth asking ourselves whether man-machines will not already be obsolete models compared to newly developed technologies. “Anima Macchina” is the backup file of a software perhaps destined to disappear, but whose memory it is important to preserve: that of our emotions” .

Photography: Bianca Peruzzi

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